Wednesday, July 16, 2008


So I am totally procrastinating about writing about camp and probably won't. I wrote a not so good poem about it though. Read it if you dare:

Along the dusty path,
Already knowing what's ahead.
Across the rocks
Across the bridge
Now shaking.
I step towards what
is so like home.

Oh, dear camp
How much I've missed you.
You've changed so much
SO much you've grown.

The yellow house
Shed its color
and changed its name
to house that's white.

There's so much new
So many faces
So many souls
To me are new.

It's not the same
But I still love it.
A piece of heart
A piece of home.

Yeah, as much as I want to write about it, I am in the mood. And it will probably make me upset, because I am missing it so bad. But I am packing again, and Saturday getting on an airplane to fly to Russia. (Note: 1. I am from there, 2. I've been there many times. 3. Don't look so surprised) to visit family. Unlike camp I will have internet there, good internet. So don't worry my non-existent readers, I won't abandon you.

So, instead I have decided to make a list of 25 (soon to be more) things I'd like to do in my life, and yes I realize a lot of them are a tad extreme.

1. Go back country skiing.
2. Go on an alpine expedition (whatever that is called. When you "hike" through snowy mountains, and stayover in these stations)
3. Try (and master) skydiving
4. Bungee-jump
5. Try scuba-diving
6. Get CPR or First-aid certification
7. Become fluent in French and at least one more language.
8. Go on a random road trip.
9. Camp out on an island in the boundary waters (Personal story)
10. Try race car driving.
11. Finish a novel while I am in High School.
12. Get a book published sometime during my life.
13. Do something big for charity.
14. Visit Europe by train.
15. Live in Europe for sometime
16. See Wicked on Broadway.
17. Fly first class.
18. Learn to fly a plane (like that is going to happen)
19. Something private
20. Visit Paris trying to not stand out as a travel.
21. Actually backpack the Appalachian trail (and not just visit it on a day trip)
22. Backpack in Yellowstone.
23. Learn to draw well.
24. Learn to play guitar.
25. Visit a third-world country.
26. Extend this list to 100.

SO yeah....I have nothing to say.

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