So I am writing, maybe i will finish this post for once. There is oh so much to say, and my attention spell is oh so short. But life is amazing.
LOVE LOVE LOVE (not a guy, sadly).
Looking back a couple of months, when everything seamed short of depression, I couldn't imagine saying this. Now here I am almost half way through my first year at TJ. Here are 5 things I learned. And in case you are some weird person, trying to find out things about my school, I am an anamoly and a creeper, don't consider this accurate for all.
I come to this at TJ the nerd school, that took me like a 4.0 to get in. But really straight As aren't everything B+s on report cards are OK. You don't need a 4.0 to get into college, at least there is no point in obsessing over it yet. Plus you can either have your whole life / 8th periods be about bio. Or you can laugh meet people, LIVE. No grades matter, grades aren't everything. You have to learn it some time. Even if it is "situationally ironic".
Once again this is my dear mental institution, so who knows what it is like at base school. So upperclassmen: big, scary, creepy. But they don't hurt little freshies really. What happens is, freshmen exist in their own universe, and so do the rest of the grades. Maybe because we are scarred, avoidant, stick in packs. Maybe because most of our classes don't mix grades. But they are awesome, my dear immature kids. See they want to help freshmen, freshmen just shy away. And they are amazing people, not that I know them, I can say that. Freshmen get to know them! This means not your mentors, just because i say hi to an upperclassmen doesn't mean they are my mentor. Go out explore the world. Warning: some of their weirdness, may rub off on you. But even now i can't imagine life, when the seniors are gone.
3. Love is an ick
No comment, because I am too shy. Life is not a Disney movie, even at TJ. It's ironic, all my friends see the obnoxiousness or whatever, I can't! Give me the power to be less shy, give me the magic to fall in love.
It is possible to survive with almost no sleep, and get through 100 killer tests, and even those 2 hours on the bus, you can live. You get surprised but how much you can get through. Then again freshmen year makes you so mature, to the point of no return. Then you deal with things you wouldn't expect. You handle them how you wouldn't expect. I am sorry if this is offensive, but i am referring to my L and Gs, I don't care personally. Just shy, but I came today didn't I. So yes, you know who you are, I do not care. Plus controversy apparently makes popular blogs.

Thats all I love y'all so much, you make me grow, here is what I now know (caution: inside jokage ahead)
- There is 18.268 L if primer
- Landmark Smoothies are amazing for real
- Blacks are harder to buy then it seams
- You can go through to weeks with no sleep
- The cookies the main sponsor makes are heavenly
- Wood room
- Don't trust people in Assasins
- Don't trust the most reliable people
- Do not even think if trusting anyone fully ever
- Touch Phsyce(sp?) die
- Free fallin/ circle/ american pie
- Get paint on the metal = die
- Fences are just <3/hate
- Flans are a tasty dessert XD
- Tech scare actors, pawning them
- Green Room books
- so much more
Sorry I rambled, I hope someone still reads this. feel free to comment.
Question( also supposed to attract listeners): What did you learn freshmen year?