So, this post will probably be more coherent, even though \i forgot all my notes on the other computer. We'll see.
About counselors, it would probably take forever and bore you to death, if I were to describe all of them, but I have to mention two more.
Andy (Anders) and EspenThey are the crazy, awesome dudes from Germany. Andy is obsessed with gymnastics (it will make sense some paragraphs down) and has favorites. Espen can be a bit strict and is a quarter vampire(not really). he is also subject of another "accent" joke from camp.
"Good one" said with the accent......Someone else: "5 push ups"
See in his cabin, he made a bunch of push-up rules, like if you enter the cabin in shoes, mock his accent, curse, and etc. So more then often you would here "Insert name, 5 push ups" Not that I think most did them, cause I think one kid owed Espen like 60 push ups. Then one time, according to the boys, Noah (let's call him that) walked into the cabin in the morning in his shoes, while Espen was still half asleep. Without oppening his eyes or even moving, Espen says "5 push ups" to Noah in the shoes. Like I said counselors are awesome. Nowhere else can you find such a insane, immature, hilarious group of twenty year-olds. It's a huge part of what makes me love camp so much.
As previously mentioned, the first week passed without my significance worth mentioning, well except for Friday. One of the lovely things about "middle of nowhere West Virginia" is the never ending rain, that is supposed to be over by the middle of June, but decided to stay around. It went on and off, then entire week. Saoking all my things, which then refuses to dry, because nothing ever dries there. But Friday it showed it's full rage. It had been sprinling during art, but by the time with had to ride horses it was pouring and thundering. So we waited a bit, but alas no cease, which ment we couldn't really do anything outdoors, which is everything. Instead we were all herded to the dinning hall to do nothing, and conveniently Andy decided it would be lovely to show of his gymnastics team, which he has back in Denmark. At first it was OK, it was a different kind of gymnastics they mostly did flips and floor exercises. But then it went on and on and on and on for ETERNITY AND IT WAS ALL THE SAME THING. People just moved around doing the same stuff, only the music changed. Soon everyone was bore dot sleep, but the counclers started a drama of their own. Out of nowhere they started running around pouring pitchers of water on each pitcher. They were spilling it everywhere, like a bunch of five-year olds. Well at least it was much more interesting then the video. But that was not it, suddenly Espen and Andy grab Solene (Our Frenchie from France, she is a camper) by her legs and feet, take her over to the kitchen, dump her into one of the industrial sinks and turn the water on, so she is soaking. Legal? W ho knows. Amusing? Yeah! I don't remember the rest exactly, but later when the sun came out, they grab Stuart (A girl!) a dump her in puddles.
That evening, since it was the last one for the week, we had our talent show. Which was mostly too many blonde jokes and skits (That we were supposed to prepare, but....) It was a waste of time, but after it we had a ceremony of Lights (candles) which was so cheesy, but said. we held candles and our camp director gave a speech. then we went over to the campfire. It was sad though, because all the people who were my friends were leaving the next day, and because a bunch of new people were coming.
The next morning was a mix of desperately finishing packing and running around for emails and hugs for most. Except for the eleven of us, that were staying over for the next week. Rather quickly we left for our day trip. First it was nice and sunny and we went to visit the Radio Telescope, which was supposedly fun and educational. After it was time for lunch, and the sky's began to cry. I mean it was pouring hard, luckily there were pavilions at the picnic area. Bu the end of our meal, it hadn't ceased, so we couldn't explore the ancient rail station, we were at. But we still ran over to the store, once more getting completely covered in water to get ice cream. Though it made it not matter, for it was such a delight for a change. Finally we went over to Snowshoe, where we were supposed to swim in the pool. But alas somewhere in the 15 mile radius dampened our plans. We wandered through the town, then went back where we had movie night. Also that night the five of us had only Jess, the CIT, in the cabin so we stayed up talking like for two hours.
The next morning started to feel like a bad one, evil meaning new people meaning change was coming and it felt wrong. but quickly everything turned around in a spontaneous water fight. Counselors and kids were running around pouring water on each other from water guns, water bottles, and anything else. Once Espen ran into the kitchen to get more water, and Lesley and Sam were making a cake for Espen and Andy, who were having birthdays the next to days.
They ask, "Are you allergic to eggs?" He denies it, gets their plans and start to leave, but quickly they chase after him and smear cake mix on his head. Soon eggs entered the fight, which were either thrown at the boy's cabins and cracked on people's heads, along with cake flour. In fact Lesley was almost growing a cake on her head. it was loads of fun and probably if any of the new people were to come so early they would freak-out. But the only signs left were the ubiquitous egg shells on the ground. After we went up to the pond, where the war continued, by flipping over people's tubes and pushing everyone of the dock. Lesley's shoe fell in and was never found. But all good must end, and we soon had to go down to clean up and get ready for new people. There was more bad news, as I was to be moved to an extra cabin that was being open. Since it would be the largest week ever, this resulted me in almost freaking out, as all my friends stayed. But since I was the first one there, I got the best bunk ever and quickly settled in. For the next two hours I wandered sort of pointlessly, waiting for someone on the shuttle, which was late. Finally I went out another time, to hang out a towel that still hadn't dried. I just heard the shuttle arrived, and then I noticed her. Five seconds later, I realized who it was, and at once I was running over. Immediately Beth realized and we embraced in a hug. In case you missed it, Beth is the single most awesome counseoer for last year. And for now it didn't matter, how rather awful things were, I was happy. So for the next hour, I wandered after her,talking, she showed me the shack, that she was staying over at. She had come for only two weeks this time, as she wasn't staying here the whole summer. Here is the infamous shack:

Content: too many mice, two beds with real mattresses unlike those things on our bunks, lovely spiders, no windows, one special counselor.
And this is Beth (right) and Cynthia (left) deeply concentrated on the complex game of spoons.

I have to add that in the afternoon it started raining, which complemented the mood in perfection.
Our cabin now was a smaller one with 11 people, while the two larger ones had 18. we had for annoying girls from Spain, who talked about everyone (well it seamed that way), 2 best friends, and 2 nice, girls, who actually became my friends. And that was basivcly it for one bumpy week-end.